At Ocerra, we have been working hard on improving our AP automation software every day. So we are excited to share our most recent enhancements and new features with you.
Let’s get started:
Purchase order line matching to track invoice accuracy
Initially, Ocerra matched only purchase order number with the invoice number, including totals. Now, we are pleased to announce that Ocerra can also match purchase order lines against invoice lines to ensure that information in the invoice is accurate.
For example, you ordered 12 company branded T-shirts and the supplier issued an invoice for 10 T-shirts, Ocerra will flag this invoice, and you can easily track the difference using purchase order line matching feature. Here’s how it looks:

You can instantly see that the quantity and amount didn't match.
Auto-line matching
To save you even more time, Ocerra will auto-match invoice lines with purchase order lines so you will only need to compare the quantities and amounts.
In accounts payable, this process is called a 2-way match. Some companies perform 3-way match to verify invoice against the purchase order and goods receipt. Keep an eye on Ocerra product updates; this is on our roadmap too!
Item codes extraction for a better inventory (stock) management
For some businesses, item codes tracking is an essential part of the AP invoice processing. Ocerra can now extract item codes from invoices, including stock and service items.

You can turn on item codes from your general settings.
Freight costs auto-fill
We have added a new field that allows extracting shipping or freight fees from the invoices.

Also, I am very proud that the user interface is looking clean, and it is easy to navigate, even though we keep developing new features in Ocerra.
Ease of use is one of our priorities in product development.
AI-supervised feedback to speed up invoice recognition process
Ocerra is an AI-powered AP automation software. However, every AI system, sometimes, takes time to learn new invoice layouts. To speed up the learning process and give you a better data extraction engine, you can now submit feedback by using these two icons:

By clicking either a thumb up or down, you can tell us if you are happy with the data extraction result.
On the backend, we receive a notification to review the AI algorithm on this invoice document and fix it for you as quick as possible.
Multi-company to manage invoices across companies
While we added a multi-company functionality to manage AP invoices across companies a while ago, we have enhanced the user experience. You can now switch between companies faster, rather than using a drop-down list to select a company.

AP aging report to quickly view due invoices per supplier per period
AP aging report is beneficial to every single company. This is why we decided to bring it to the default Accounts Payable performance dashboard:

The difference between Ocerra and your standard AP aging report is that Ocerra updates and shows data in real time.
You can also configure your own AP aging report in Ocerra using Power BI functionality, or any other report that is useful to your team.
Integrations, API and Sandbox
We completed a custom integration with Odoo, and along the way we also enhanced Ocerra API. As a result, it will be much simpler to use our open API if you decide to integrate with Ocerra yourself.
We can also provide a sandbox for custom development on premium plans.